Home/ Destinacija i okolina/ Church and tombs of the Drašković family

Church and tombs of the Drašković family

In the past, the people of Bednja were largely serfs of the owners of Trakošćan Castle. The entire municipality comprises 25 settlements, and within these 25 settlements, there are as many as 265 hamlets. One of the unique features of this region is the local dialect. It is considered one of the most melodic and complex variants of the Kajkavian dialect, characterized by a rich array of vowels, diphthongs, fascinating phonetic changes, and accents. It is said that the area has preserved this linguistic peculiarity due to its isolation, as there has historically been little emigration or immigration.

For centuries, Trakošćan Castle was the home of the noble Drašković family, who left an indelible mark on the history of this region. As some of the most prominent owners of the castle, the Drašković family shaped its appearance and enriched it with valuable artwork and furniture, transforming it into a symbol of their power and influence. In the church in Bednja, there is a tombstone depicting the knightly figure of Count Gašpar Drašković, with his tomb located beneath it. Outside, along the southern wall of the church, lie the graves of the Drašković family, including that of Julijana Erdödy Drašković, the first academically trained female painter in Croatia. The church itself houses an organ built in the Italian tradition by Gaetano Moscatelli.